
Adventurer Leaderboard conditions and prizes

  1. Individual Gold Leader Board Condition If a player has mined gold and only he participated in all processes of its processing (mining gravel, transferring gravel to the rockerbox, processing gravel in the rockerbox, transferring gold to the bank, exchange), he will receive individual mining points.

  2. Team Gold Leader board Condition

    Play has to be in a team with activated gold splitting. All gold mined while the player is in a group will be considered as group gold (gravel mining, gravel processing in the rockerbox, exchange). When exchanging gold, the system checks which group the player is in and if the group the player is in is the same as the group recorded in the items, all current players in the group get mining points.

    • Players will be counted in the individually obtained gold leaderboard or the team leaderboard only if: - the opened mining claim has 0 setup upfront fee - maximum 70% Claim Owner NGL share - no reliability rank required

  3. Forbidden Activities:

    • Team players giving all gold to a single user in order to climb ranks

    • Extracting gold from other mining claims, entering in a team with gold split activated and giving the gold to a certain player

    • Trading gold between team members or not team members

    Any exploit of these system will automatically attract removal from the leader board and total ban of the account if the information is not forwarded to the team

Last updated