Character Stats
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One of the many game design goals of Gold Fever is to depict reality as closely as possible. To achieve this, characters in the game will have statistics that represent the daily needs of a real live person. These statistics will have to be managed in-game at all times. Failing to do so will cause many adverse effects on the in-game character following unconsciousness.
Regardless of how the character got knocked out, they will always wake up in the nearest hospital. Maybe some adventurers found the unconscious character or the companion returned to the nearest city without its owner and brought back help. Each playable character will have a limited number of times that it can overcome a near-death experience. Keep in mind that NFT characters are more resilient and can withstand a higher number of life-threatening situations. We will discuss perma-death and dismemberment in the combat section.
Health is the primary statistic of a character that represents its general well-being and how much physical damage it can withstand. Health will reduce each time the character gets damaged by another player or animal, receives environmental injuries (for example ones from falling from a certain height) or depletes any of the other stats (which will continuously drain health until the corresponding statistic gets restored).
Being careful is the best way to preserve one's health, but injuries are unavoidable, so here are some of the methods to restore lost health.
Using medic kits
Using ethanol
Using bandages
Using healing salves
Getting healed by a teammate
Using a service at the Hospital
Stamina represents how much physical exertion your character can withstand before needing a break. Unlike other stats in Gold Fever, the characters' stamina will gradually restore on its own after a certain period of time.
Rest represents the daily, total level of energy capacity that a character possesses. As a character spends time in the game, this bar slowly drains, leading to fatigue. That in turn can manifest adverse effects, and if not addressed, may lead to the character fainting from exhaustion.
A good night's sleep is very important!
Hunger depicts the necessity to replenish much-needed nutrients for the body to function. Staying hungry for a long period will harm the character's morale, performance and will eventually lead to fainting from starvation. Food items come in a variety of forms, from preserved meals to self-prepared dinners or just raw fruits and nuts.
The thirst stat illustrates the need to intake water for the body's metabolic functions. Staying thirsty for a longer period will harm the performance of the character and lead to exhaustion.
Efficiency portrays the overall capability of the character to execute multiple basic actions. Efficiency decreases each time a character gets incapacitated in the game world. This stat cannot be recovered and is key to the longevity of any in-game character. Once incapacitated, in addition to the standard decrease in efficiency, enemies can mutilate the in-game character, which will intensify the state even further.
Morale depicts the in-game character's motivation to perform tasks. This stat gets drained when excessively performing actions over and over again. Character morale recovers by performing activities that keep the in-game character motivated, such as defeating enemies, playing instruments, or consuming delicious food.
Reputation characterizes the amount of notoriety a character has received. Reputation allows characters to accept more demanding quests and enter the elite mining claims. Completing various important tasks will raise their reputation even higher than before. This stat represents a willingness to follow the laws of the land and contribute towards building a prosperous community. To respect others and be respected in return is always a good policy.